Investing in the cloud as a sales channel is crucial for long-term success and staying ahead of the competition

Learn why cloud alliances are today’s most robust and influential
sales channel for driving growth and geographic expansion.


Why Cloud Partnerships?

The transformational power of the cloud is massive for any business as it opens-up global potential and promotes cross-industry impact. The world’s leading cloud providers have invested considerable time, money, and effort to turn their partnership-ecosystems into lucrative sales channels.

And the results speak for themselves: Within just a few short years, cloud partners are closing deals 3 times faster, gaining access to deals up to 6 times larger, and generating billions in revenue for all partners in the chain.

Co-Sell Layers

Co-selling with the cloud is a powerful growth engine, enabling ISVs to reach customers at every scale. Through a multi-layered approach, we maximize impact—from broad marketplace reach to targeted corporate and enterprise sales. Each layer is tailored to align with specific customer needs, making cloud co-selling a strategic, scalable solution that drives substantial business growth across all segments.

Cloud Marketplace as a
Growth Accelerator

The cloud marketplace is now essential for ISV growth, aligning with the industry’s shift toward digital procurement, where $380 billion in cloud commits provide a powerful avenue for payments to be charged directly against pre-allocated customer budgets. As tech sales increasingly move to these platforms, ISVs gain direct access to a vast customer ecosystem, accelerating sales cycles, building credibility, and reaching global audiences, positioning them for success in a rapidly evolving market landscape.

Building blocks of a
cloud partnership


Partners work together to reach common customers, sharing insights and resources to close deals.


Joint marketing efforts increase visibility, with partners promoting each other to drive interest and demand.


Partners collaborate on product development to create solutions that address shared customer needs in the cloud.

The Magic Blend for ISV
Success in the Cloud

Through our experience with countless clients, we’ve discovered a “magic blend” that fuels ISV success in the cloud: a compelling Better Together Story, strong Executive Sponsorship, and seamless Sellers Alignment. Every partnership we build starts with these core elements to drive impactful, lasting results.
